Lat Lon Tools

Lat Lon Tools

Published on 2016-06-09 by C Hamilton
wkt bounding box point canvas capture openstreetmap osm google digitizing bing crs zoom expression processing google earth coordinate conversion geojson functions function json utm ewkt latitude longitude epsg:4326 dms move to mgrs 4326 mapillary digitize wgs84 plus codes geohash amateur radio grid maidenhead grid ups ecef earth-centered earth-fixed h3 usng

Tools to capture and zoom to coordinates using decimal, DMS, WKT, GeoJSON, MGRS, UTM, UPS, Geohash, H3, Maidenhead grid, Plus Codes, and ECEF formats. Provides external map support, point digitizing tools, coordinate conversion tools, and conversion functions.


This plugin has been marked as trusted by the QGIS team i.e. someone from the QGIS team has reviewed this code. It's a plus feature and is available to good plugins.

Daily Download Graph of Lat Lon Tools Plugin


This plugin is stable and is useable for stable projects. This plugin is not marked as deprecated, so you can still expect some updates and bug fixes from original author.


You can download the latest version from the download section of QGIS Plugins. However, it is recommended that you install this plugin via the QGIS plugin manager, as the plugin manager will do all the installation workflow in the background, and you can focus on actual work.

You can also consult the Home Page of this plugin to get more information on their versioning system and relevant documentation.


You can use the plugin issue tracker to communicate with the original author if you ever encounter any issues/errors/problems with this plugin. The best place to start looking into the code base of this project is at the repository Link or your local QGIS plugins installation folder.


This plugin requires that your QGIS installation has a minimum version of 3.4.0. If your QGIS version is larger than 3.99.0 then this plugin might not work properly. This plugin cannot be used on QGIS Server.